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A fenntarthatóság központi célunk, hogy összehozzuk az embereket, hogy együttműködjenek és innovatív megoldásokat találjanak a világ legjelentősebb energia- és környezeti fenntarthatósági kihívásaira. Magasabb célunkat üzleti stratégiánk két pillérén keresztül valósítjuk meg, amelyeknek a fenntarthatóság az alapja: az ipari gázokkal kapcsolatos fő üzletágunk és a kék és zöld hidrogén üzletágunk. Abban a szerencsés helyzetben vagyunk, hogy jót tehetünk bolygónkért, miközben részvényeseink számára is megtérülést keresünk.

Sustainability Report

During the past year, we have strengthened our sustainability goals for the future, announced impressive capital spending targets for energy transition projects, and continued work on several world-scale, first-mover clean energy projects focused on decarbonizing heavy-duty transportation and industrial sectors. 

2023 Sustainability Report

Sustainability Commitments

Our sustainability goals reflect our aspirations to enable and accelerate the global energy transition and achieve our overarching Company goal to be the safest, most diverse and most profitable industrial gas company in the world, providing excellent service to our customers. Fundamentally, it is our people who are the real enablers of a cleaner future, working alongside our customers to help solve pressing energy and environmental challenges. 
Sustainability Goals

Sustainability Implementation Framework

To manage sustainability and make progress towards our goals, we use a Sustainability Implementation Framework
comprised of three areas — Grow, Conserve and Care. Our sustainability initiatives and programs
are defined in line with these three areas, and our sustainability goals are lined up accordingly.

Landscaping Design Rooted in Sustainability

The landscaping at Air Products' global headquarters is part of a diverse ecosystem and pollinator-friendly meadows project designed to reduce water, fuel, fertilizers, and pesticides. It is a deliberately different look than traditional frequently cut and treated lawns, and is meant to offer a diverse habitat for wildlife while conserving resources, which aligns with our commitment to sustainability.

The multi-year meadow project includes areas planted with native grasses and wild-flowers that will be allowed to grow tall so they attract wildlife, support pollinators (like hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies), and offer a changing view through the seasons.

You can learn more about this growing trend in corporate landscaping and see additional photos of our global headquarters campus in this New York Times article.
New York Times Article

Sustainability in Action

We are committed to helping our customers improve their sustainability performance, reducing our environmental impacts, and supporting our employees, communities and stakeholders. See how we are putting our sustainability commitments into action to make a difference for our world.

Forbes Best Employers for Diversity 2023

Air Products was named one of America’s Best Employers for Diversity for 2023 by Forbes Magazine. Moving up from 17th in 2022 to number four in the annual overall rankings, Air Products is ranked as the top company in the construction, oil and gas operations, mining and chemicals industry group.

More Recognitions

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