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Expert solutions to help you succeed

The production of biofuels and generation of bioheat and biopower present unique challenges to project developers and operators. Air Products offers a broad portfolio of gas products, technologies, and engineering expertise that can help improve the productivity, economics, and safety of many bioenergy processes. Whether you are involved with an existing operation or developing a new project, we can help. As one of the world’s leading suppliers of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and other industrial gases, we can apply our know-how to help you be more successful..

​Industrial Gases and Technical Expertise from a Global Leader

  • Global leader in the manufacture of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon
  • World’s leading producer and supplier of hydrogen and helium
  • Reliable and secure supply of industrial gases
  • Excellent record of meeting on-time needs
  • Industry leader in safety
  • Technical support when you need it
  • World-class customer service

Talk to Air Products.

We would like to discuss industrial gas solutions to best meet your needs.

Contact Us

Nitrogen: A Security Blanket for the Chemical Industry

Read more about the benefits and safety improvements of using nitrogen to blanket your process or material.

Air Products Hydrogen Reactions Lab

The Air Products Hydrogen Reactions Lab is designed to create an opportunity for innovation and productivity in our customers' hydrogenation reactions. Let our engineers help you improve product quality and reduce production costs by identifying the optimum pressure, temperature and hydrogen-to-feed ratio for your specific feedstock and catalyst.
Hydrogen Reactions Lab


Hydrogenation of fats and oils

Fire suppression for biomass storage and systems

Bioenergy process testing

Hydrogen Recovery from Biorefinery Off-Gases

Contact us today to schedule a trial for your process.

Our specialists can help determine if hydrogen can help your process.

Contact Us

Gases and Supply Options

Air Products gases, typically provided in gaseous and liquid form, enable customers in a wide range of industries to improve their environmental performance, product quality, and productivity.


Reaktív és védő tulajdonságainak köszönhetően számos iparág használja fel - például elektronikai ipar, élelmiszeripar, üvegipar, vegyipar, finomítók - a minőség javítása, a teljesítmény optimalizálása és a költségek csökkentése érdekében.


Amellett, hogy lélegeztetőgázként alkalmazzák az egészségügyben, erős oxidáló tulajdonsága számos ipar számára nyújt előnyöket, mivel javítja a hozamokat, optimalizálja a teljesítményt, csökkenti a költségeket és kisebb ökológiai lábnyommal rendelkezik, mint a többi tüzelőanyag.


Useful as a gas, for its inert properties, and a liquid for cooling and freezing. Virtually any industry can benefit from its unique properties to improve yields, optimize performance and make operations safer.

Carbon Dioxide

Our experienced applications teams across the globe can use their industry and application knowledge to provide you with a compressed or liquid carbon dioxide supply and technology solution to meet your unique needs.

Cseppfolyós ellátás

Teherautóval szállítjuk, és az Ön telephelyén folyadékként tároljuk kriogén tartályokban vagy gázként nagynyomású csövekben az Ön térfogata, kívánt nyomása, tisztasági szintje, áramlási sebessége és működési mintája alapján.

On-site Gas Generation

On-site gas generation helps sustainability-minded customers lower their carbon footprint, boost energy efficiency, increase throughput, enhance end product quality, and improve environmental performance.

PRISM® Membranes

PRISM Membrane separators generate gas onsite for applications like nitrogen generation, air dehydration, hydrogen recovery, biogas upgrading, and the generation of oxygen enriched air.

APEX Temporary Emergency Gas Services

Short-term or emergency industrial gas supply for start-ups, peak demand periods, planned or unplanned maintenance activities, and plant or pipeline turnarounds.

Cryogenic Air Separation Plants

Air Products currently owns and operates over 300 air separation plants in over 40 countries worldwide, in all types of applications. In addition to our own plants, we have sold, designed and built over 1000 air separation plants globally.

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