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An essential gas for the glass industry

Oxygen can be used to supplement or replace air-fuel combustion applications to increase heat transfer and result in:

  • melting or softening glass faster and more efficiently
  • cutting, polishing, and heat treating glass more efficiently (heat treating applications include annealing, tempering, strengthening/toughening)

It can also be used to replace air bubbling, which can improve melt quality since oxygen is more soluble than air in most glass melts.

Every combustion process requires some degree of oxygen. Adding relatively pure oxygen to increase the oxygen concentration of combustion air, can result in increased flame temperature, improved heat transfer rates and overall combustion efficiency.

​Air Products is a World-Leading Oxygen Supplier

  • Global manufacturer of oxygen
  • Reliable supply of industrial gases
  • Excellent record of meeting on-time needs
  • Industry leader in safety
  • Technical support when you need it
  • World-class customer service

Air Products’ Technical Solutions Can Help You Optimize Your Production

Oxy-fuel Melting
Oxy-fuel glass melting furnaces provide the most flexible and efficient means for melting glass in large tonnage production operations. The degree of benefits delivered vs. those possible with an oxy-fuel furnace are very dependent upon burner selection. Operational benefits provided by oxygen can be maximized with full conversion: increased production, decreased fuel consumption and emissions, improved glass quality, reduced maintenance, and extended campaign life of a furnace.
Oxy-fuel Boosting
Oxy-fuel boosting is a flexible, efficient, cost-effective technology that can help improve furnace performance via the addition of oxy-fuel burners to complement the operation of an air-fuel furnace. Oxy-fuel boosting can help achieve the following benefits with minimal capital investment: increased production, decreased fuel consumption and emissions, improved glass quality, reduced maintenance, and extended campaign life of a furnace.
Oxygen Enrichment
Oxygen enrichment is a simple, cost-effective technology that can help improve furnace performance via displacement of combustion air with oxygen. Oxygen is pre-mixed with the general flow of combustion air and uniformly enhances the entire combustion process. Enrichment can help achieve the following benefits with minimal capital investment: increase production, decrease fuel consumption, and extend the campaign life of a furnace.
Oxygen Lancing
Oxygen lancing is a flexible, cost-effective system that can help improve furnace performance via placement of oxygen to replace combustion air specifically where it is mostly needed to improve furnace operations. Oxygen lancing can help achieve the following benefits with minimal capital investment: increased production, decreased fuel consumption and emissions, improved glass quality, reduced maintenance, and extended campaign life of a furnace.

Count on Air Products' expertise…

Let us help you determine the optimal way to use oxygen in your operation to improve efficiency and lower costs.


Oxygen Supply Options


A hagyományos megoldás kis volumenű gázellátáshoz. A palackokat különböző kiszerelésben (10 és 50 liter között), nyomással és gáztisztasággal ajánljuk a gázok és gázkeverékek széles skálájához. Válasszon a hagyományos palackok vagy a beépített szabályozós innovatív Integra® palackjaink közül

Cseppfolyós ellátás

Teherautóval szállítjuk, és az Ön telephelyén folyadékként tároljuk kriogén tartályokban vagy gázként nagynyomású csövekben az Ön térfogata, kívánt nyomása, tisztasági szintje, áramlási sebessége és működési mintája alapján.

APEX Temporary Emergency Gas Services

Short-term or emergency industrial gas supply for start-ups, peak demand periods, planned or unplanned maintenance activities, and plant or pipeline turnarounds.

On-site Oxygen Gas Generation

On-site gas generation helps sustainability-minded customers lower their carbon footprint, boost energy efficiency, increase throughput, enhance end product quality, and improve environmental performance.

Cryogenic Air Separation Plants

Air Products currently owns and operates over 300 air separation plants in over 40 countries worldwide, in all types of applications. In addition to our own plants, we have sold, designed and built over 1000 air separation plants globally. 

Pipeline Supply

Located in major industrial locations around the world, pipelines offer customers with large product demands a range of benefits, including reliable, safe and flexible supply in a cost-effective way.

SDS Library

Our Safety Data Sheet (SDS) library allows you to search and find the SDS you need--in the language you select.