“I had great support and very comprehensive training when I joined. My managers encouraged me to take courses that would support me with both current work and anything else that would support me in my future career here.”
Cathy Smith, British
Payroll Specialist
Cathy makes sure the UK and Ireland team gets paid.
The story so far
I joined Air Products in September 2013 as a Payroll Specialist for the UK and Ireland.
Most memorable moment
Shortly after I joined Air Products, my colleague left and his replacement decided not to join us, in effect leaving me to run the payroll single-handed for three months while we found another replacement. This would not have been possible without colleagues from other country payrolls and departments helping out. It was very satisfying to step back and think ‘we did it’!
Why Air Products?
Air Products is forward thinking and innovative. At the same time, I feel that every member of staff is valued for the contribution they make and encouraged to improve at all levels.
Career inspiration
Nothing ever stands still, there are new and different projects appearing all of the time. I enjoy helping to put new systems in place and always look forward to the next challenge.
Outside of work
Music is a very large part of my life. My husband and I have a very extensive vinyl and CD collection and we regularly go to see bands. I also drum in a band and was a singer in a punk covers band as well.